Sunday, January 18, 2009

Yeast Infection Diaper Rash

A lot of babies suffer from diaper rashes. So if you have a baby you need to know some facts about this condition.

Yeast diaper rash defined

A diaper rash mostly occurs when your baby’s skin integrity is impaired due to the diaper’s material rather than any particular infection-causing microorganism. But there are times that a skin infection is causing the diaper rash. And the usual microorganism responsible is the yeast known as Candida albicans.

Such condition is called yeast diaper rash. This infection can start when the tissue surrounding and inside the anal area becomes softened due to exposure to dampness.
Then the rash starts to be clearly defined around its edges. You can see the infected area as inflamed and swollen and fluid may be seen underneath your baby’s skin.

Identifying a yeast diaper rash

The distinguishing feature of a yeast diaper rash is the presence of elevated inflamed areas called satellite pustules which emerge on nearby skin. If you notice these pustules in your baby’s skin then you can assume that the diaper rash is due to a yeast infection, as a non-infectious diaper rash doesn’t have these pustules.

Yeast diaper rash can emerge on the baby’s thighs, abdominal area, genitals, as well as on the skin folds around the genital area. Distinct satellite pustules may yield positive culture results for the fungus Candida albicans.

This yeast infection may originate from the lower or upper gastrointestinal tract, or transmitted by a caregiver carrying the fungus. This infectious diaper rash may also be associated with a mouth Candida infection which is commonly known as oral thrush.

Treatment of yeast diaper rash

A yeast diaper rash is generally treated with topical antifungal ointment and keeping the diaper area clean and dry. This topical medication includes nystatin (Mycostatin) econazole (Spectazole), miconazole (Micatin, Monistat-Derm), clotrimazole (Lotrimin) and ketoconazole (Nizoral cream). There is no definite treatment period. Generally application of a topical ointment or cream is done every time you change your baby’s diaper until the rash is completely healed.

Due to the fact that Candida albicans may be present in the gastrointestinal tract, your doctor may also prescribe an oral antimycotic drug on top of the topical medication. The benefit of using oral medication however, has not been supported by any definitive research yet.

Prevention of diaper rash

After bathing your baby, apply blocking creams such as zinc oxide (Desitin, A&D ointment, Diaparene) or petroleum jelly (Vaseline, Aquaphor, etc.) to the diaper area. These products help to minimize dampness in your baby’s diaper area. It also helps to clean the area gently to reduce skin eruption.
Susan Driscal is dedicated to helping people find solutions for all health related problems. To learn more about her solutions for yeast infections, thrush and candida visit::
Remedy For A Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection in Pregnant Women

You may have heard about yeast infection before, but your actual knowledge about this condition may be quite limited, inaccurate, or even next to nothing. If you or someone you know is pregnant, it’s more important to learn the basic facts about yeast infection, as pregnancy puts anyone at higher risk of contracting this disease.

Yeast infection defined

This infection is caused by an increase in the number of the fungus, usually Candida albicans that is found normally in a woman’s vaginal canal. This fungal overgrowth frequently occurs when the acidic environment of the vagina or the body’s hormonal balance is disturbed.

Factors causing yeast infection

Hormonal changes are commonly implicated as one of the major factors leading to yeast infection. Hence, pregnancy which involves alterations in hormone levels poses a risk for this condition. Other risk factors include taking oral contraceptive pills, antibiotics or steroidal drugs, elevated levels of blood sugar and douching.

Why are pregnant women more at risk?

As mentioned above, due to the changes in hormone levels (especially estrogen) during pregnancy, pregnant women are more prone to develop yeast infection. This is because elevated hormone levels increase the carbohydrate content of the vaginal cells, which in turn serve to provide a rich environment for yeast to overgrow.

Yeast exists in two distinct forms. It can be in a form of a small, round or oval-shaped spore, or in an elongated stem called a hypha, which holds the spore inside. The hypha form has long been believed to be the infectious type (causes infection). The hormone estrogen which increases during pregnancy promotes attachment of yeast to the vaginal cells and then assumes the form of a hypha leading to vaginitis.

But although pregnancy is generally considered a risk factor for yeast infection, results of some studies have shown that this risk does not significantly vary from that of other female population. There are a number of women who don’t contract this infection throughout their pregnancy.

Furthermore, it was found that most yeast infections in pregnant women occur as a result of other independent factors such as engaging in bubble baths, using harsh soaps or thongs, skin diseases, and the like.

Yeast infection treatment during pregnancy

Your doctor can only advise you to use vaginal creams and suppositories, as oral antifungal medications like Diflucan hasn’t been established to be safe in pregnant or lactating women.

If left untreated, yeast infection may be passed on to your baby’s mouth (called oral thrush) during delivery. Nystatin can effectively treat this condition.
Susan Driscal is dedicated to helping people find solutions for all health related problems. To learn more about her solutions for yeast infections, thrush and candida visit::
Remedy For A Yeast Infection